$1 Million $BTC is “Conservative”?!? Binance Preps for Institutional Flood! Ukraine Legalizes Crypto

10,093 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Prominent investors believe $20 trillion US debt will lead top crypto boom: Is $1 Million $BTC conservative?!? Binance prepares for institutional flood, Ukraine to legalize crypto, $XTZ college curriculum, $STX potential exit scam, crypto news, and more!

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0:01 SEC vs DEXs & ICOs: https://twitter.com/Cryptanzee/status/1061510861406244865
0:11 Markets 〽️ WAX
1:16 📊 Final Results: Digitex Futures (DGTX) https://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie/status/1061267205713784832
1:56 $1 Million BTC by 2020 is “conservative” https://ethereumworldnews.com/mcafee-bitcoin-btc-at-1-million-by-2020-is-conservative/
2:21 BTC Prediction Tracker: https://fnordprefekt.de/
4:06 $20 trillion US Debt will lead to crypto boom!: https://www.ccn.com/20-trillion-us-debt-will-inevitably-lead-to-big-crypto-boom-prominent-investors/
6:36 CZ says catalysts is coming: https://ethereumworldnews.com/binance-ceo-sooner-or-later-a-crypto-bull-run-will-happen/
7:22 Binance (BNB) prepares for institutions: https://ethereumworldnews.com/binance-opens-its-doors-to-institutional-investors/
8:40 BTC to $5k or $8k? https://www.strawpoll.me/16818607/r
9:00 Ukraine to legalize crypto: https://coindiligent.com/ukraine-confirms-intentions-legalize-cryptocurrency
10:10 Litecoin (LTC) $62M sent for $0.05! https://captainaltcoin.com/62-million-of-litecoin-ltc-moved-for-less-than-0-50/
10:40 Bitpay supports Bitcoin Cash (BCH)ABC: https://www.ccn.com/bitpay-sides-with-bitcoin-abc-in-bitcoin-cash-hard-fork/
12:10 Tezos (XTZ) focus curriculum: https://unhashed.com/cryptocurrency-news/kingsland-university-will-offer-a-tezos-focused-curriculum/
12:54 NEXO accepts XRP as collateral for crypto loans: https://bloqwire.com/credissimo-backed-nexo-becomes-the-first-crypto-lending-platform-to-accept-xrp/
13:06 TE-Food (TFD) FoodChain: https://medium.com/te-food/the-foodchain-has-launched-99bc986a4897
14:23 Dropil (DROP) controversy: https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/9vl25a/warning_dropil_sends_your_private_key_in/
15:05 Did Stox (STX) exit scam? https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/9w2w4n/stox_stx_reported_to_have_performed_an_exit_scam/
16:24 Colorado shuts down four ICOs: https://www.chainbits.com/news/colorado-regulators-shut-down-four-more-icos/
16:57 Man sends bomb to CryptoPay: https://www.newsbtc.com/2018/11/10/swedish-man-sent-to-prison-for-mailing-bomb-to-bitcoin-firm-cryptopay/
17:14 Principal fired for mining on school’s electric: http://www.sixthtone.com/ht_news/1003188/hunan-school-fires-principal-for-mining-cryptocurrency-in-class-
17:57 Bahamas looking to regulate crypto: https://news.bitcoin.com/bahamas-releases-discussion-paper-on-crypto-asset-regulation/?utm_source=Bahamas
18:21 Great Lakes Science Center accepts BTC: https://i.redd.it/pn97b4xbtmx11.jpg
18:33 Follow me on Twitter ►► http://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie
19:36 Initiative Q meme: https://twitter.com/CryptoBrekkie/status/1061167411821338624

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

Initiative Q: Better Than Bitcoin or Flat Out SCAM?!? Here’s My Opinion…

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Crypto Zombie


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