3 Hidden Gems Under The Radar 🤫🤫 My Personal Picks Top Undervalued Coins

7,769 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Today, I would like to discuss three project whom are powerhouses, but their names for some reason haven’t broke mainstream yet. These 3 projects have high potential for good returns, and all 3’s potentials come from different reasons.

1. Number 1 has a partnership with one of the largest volume exchanges and will be getting added to that exchange. Bithumb
2. Number 2 is a smart contract and token issuing platform, whom has regional dominance in Russia
3. Number 3 has a fully functioning platform, that has a valid use case. The platform is functioning off the underrated NEO blockchain

Which coins could these be? Tune in to find out the cryptocurrencies that have potentials for big returns once a full-on bull run commences.

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If you would like to feature your picked brewski, send some crypto and send me an email: tylerswope@chicocrypto.com
BTC 1MRZnYYpMwrmhG6oEd9HYbSzJoVSvPdih9
ETH 0x6b0e08fac3c9d71f44fc0bb8e3ec31ddc2dc04cf
****Won't Take Your NEO or NEOGas HODL Those Puppies****

00:08 Beer Intro: Grolsch Lager, Holland
01:06 Coin Number One?????
10:04 Coin Number Two????
12:39 Coin Number Three?

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The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. In limited circumstances the speaker has been compensated by a third party. Purchasing cryptocurrencies poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome. Past performance does not indicate future results.

This information is what was found publicly on the internet. This information could’ve been doctored or misrepresented by the internet. All information is meant for public awareness and is public domain. This information is not intended to slander harm or defame any of the actors involved but to show what was said through their social media accounts. Please take this information and do your own research.
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Chico Crypto

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