$5,000,000 Bitcoin?!? “I Hope Centralized Exchanges Burn In Hell!” - Vitalik | $XTZ Dumps! $QKC

7,841 Views · Posted 6 years ago
How much would Bitcoin's price be if it extinguished fiat currency? Tezos dumps, LOOM pumps, 4 million BTC lost forever, ICO performance in bear vs bull markets, Binance on track for $1 billion, Vitalik interview, Bitmain grows, crypto news, and more!

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0:35 Market Roundup: LOOM
1:07 Tezos (XTZ)? https://www.coindesk.com/tezos-investors-got-a-chance-to-sell-this-week-and-they-took-it/
2:31 5 Million Dollar Bitcoin: https://bitcoinnews.com/how-much-would-bitcoins-price-be-if-it-extinguished-fiat-currency/
4:23 4 Million BTC lost forever
7:08 ICO Performance: Bear vs Bull: https://lunardigitalassets.com/insights/2018/analysis-ico-performances-bull-vs-bear/
8:57 Binance (BNB) on track for $1 Billion!
10:05 HBUS: https://www.hbus.com/
10:52 Ethereum (ETH) vs EOS https://medium.com/mybit-dapp/ethereum-vs-eos-65f46d4f238c
11:31 Vitalik Buterin Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHMjbsKN1p4&feature=youtu.be
13:03 Bitmain monster grows
14:08 What is “Loaded” PoW? https://medium.com/@jeffrey.emanuel/loaded-pow-a-new-direction-in-proof-of-work-algorithms-ae15ae2ae66a
15:04 Mainnets…. Who cares? https://www.investinblockchain.com/mainnet-launch-market-reactions/
16:04 Quarkchain (QKC) Testnet Live Demo: https://youtu.be/WqFLzE-FnX8
17:07 Crypto News
19:45 Vite LIVE AMA: https://twitter.com/vitelabs/status/1015294390498033664

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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