???? Altcoins BLASTOFF!!! Nasdaq To List Cryptos? $BTC ETN | Binance LCX | $FCT $ICX $MAN $WTC

7,723 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Altcoins pump! Bitcoin ETN could be just as good as ETF, Nasdaq rumors, Binance LCX, MATRIX 50k TPS, The ICONist, Loom Network: Zombie Battleground, bikini girls, Unikoin Golg lawsuit, crypto news, and more!
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0:41 Markets ????????
1:53 Bitcoin ETN: https://ci.covesting.io/news/bitcoin-news/investors-can-purchase-bitcoin-brokerage-accounts
3:20 No Doom & Gloom for Crypto: https://medium.com/@ermos.k/3-reasons-why-its-not-all-doom-gloom-6e0d4f5b9647
4:00 Nasdaq news: https://www.chepicap.com/en/news/2965/nasdaq-closer-to-listing-cryptocurrencies-as-gemini-relationship-deepens.html#.W3XB-bER4gE.reddit
5:06 Binance (BNB) LCX https://www.chepicap.com/en/news/2970/binance-lcx-launches-fiat-to-crypto-exchange-in-liechtenstein.html
5:52 Ardor (ARDR) news: https://www.chepicap.com/en/news/2970/binance-lcx-launches-fiat-to-crypto-exchange-in-liechtenstein.html
6:10 Ripple endorses exchanges: https://www.coindesk.com/ripple-endorses-preferred-crypto-exchanges-for-xrp-payments/
7:29 Elastos (ELA) How to build DEMO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cp_K4TF3ZM&feature=youtu.be
7:57 Factom (FCT) AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/factom/comments/97sgnd/were_factom_authority_node_operators_anos_ask_us/
8:35 Waltonchain (WTC): https://twitter.com/Waltonchain/status/1030371995244998656
9:00 Matrix AI Network (MAN) 50k TPS: https://medium.com/@matrixainetwork/matrix-ai-network-50k-tps-demonstration-358e02f8b9b4
9:37 MATRIX Interview: https://youtu.be/hMdxVxsPEO4
10:15 ICON (ICX) The Iconist https://twitter.com/theiconistnews/status/1030267253395152897
10:50 LOOM Zombie Battleground: https://medium.com/loom-network/zombie-battleground-the-first-truly-scalable-blockchain-game-now-open-for-early-access-1e77a35a56d5
11:50 Oh Richard Heart… https://youtu.be/PSKY6HsATTw
12:50 UPS to use blockchain: https://bloqwire.com/ups-eyes-at-blockchain-technologies-to-optimize-logistics-delivery/
14:20 Unikrn/Unikoin Gold (UKG) Class Action Lawsuit: https://www.coindesk.com/mark-cuban-backed-unikrn-ico-hit-by-class-action-lawsuit/
15:48 Top ICO mistakes: http://merehead.com/blog/ico-mistakes/
16:17 Jeff Bezos 1997 Interview: https://youtu.be/rWRbTnE1PEM

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

MATRIX AI Network | Intelligent AI Machine Learning On Highly Flexible Blockchain | Owen Tao | $MAN

Watch this video again because it's awesome:

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Crypto Zombie


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