AMA - Sep 7, 2019

9,439 Views · Posted 5 years ago by @ToneVays
Time Stamps
0:05:00 - What is the most bullish, most bearish and a moderate outlook on price of Bitcoin on a 3 and 5 year time scale (approx)?
0:12:00 - Thoughts on where we might be in Hyperwave on BTCUSD? Seems like you haven’t discussed Hyperwave lately
0:17:00 - Hypothetically if a person's net worth is in millions and he fully believes in Bitcoin, what is maximum exposure he should have to Bitcoin %agw wise of the net worth?
0:20:00 - Your personal opinion on when will we break ATH on Bitcoin earliest and latest? Can we plot a chart or a trend line predicting 8-10 years outlook? If yes can you? On Bitcoin (not precise targets. Just some price ranges possibly)
0:22:00 - % chances of falling to prices like 3k , 5k , 6k , 7.5k-8k if we fall from here? If we wanna buy what %age funds should we allocate at each or the above levels?
0:27:00 - A long term outlook on Gold and possibly the next bull market top of gold (your personal view) and
0:31:00 - What are the chances of a gold standard again? And if it happens will it adversely affect or kill Bitcoin?
0:36:00 - TD questions
I heard you mention you don't weigh TD Risk & Support/Resistance lines to heavily, I've had good success using them but wanted to hear why you don't care for them much.
0:47:00 - When do you not care about S13's and when are they important to you?
0:54:00 - What are some other surprising / interesting things learned from building out your Alerts Notifications service?
0:57:00 - How far apart can a (1 followed by a 2) be from a 9 and still be considered influenced by it?
- Say Red 9 is followed by a Red 1&2 and then a Green 1&2 (I'm correct in thinking that the Green 1&2 is a stand alone entry at that point)
1:07:00 - Some interesting theory or facts you have regarding the pi cycles and like how is it that TIME has these amazing patterns like for eg - how pi cycle coincided with a country having a banking shutdown? Like this is fascinating. Some reasons why it works?
1:11:00 - Would you discuss more the pi time analysis.
- what margin of error do you give these points in time … (or do you sit on pins and needles until something happens.)
- when calculating dates it seems like there would some rounding errors that would creep in particularly when we several cycles away from and event like 1929 is 10 cycles distant. (Is there a method for keeping the 8.61 cycle in sync with 31.4 years.)
- Is precision important? Like using 2.15178082 instead 2.15 for the quarter cycle.
1:18:00 - In Jim Cramers book “Getting Back to Even” he talks about using straddles and strangles options, however he also suggest that the reader use two different accounts to separate each side of the trade. To gain flexibility. Have you try this? What are your thoughts on doing that?
1:13:00 - Fib retracements and extensions: Say I approach a clean chart of (MCD) Mcdonalds.
1:33:00 - Tone you once mentioned a moveing average scaler. It was like two number one for the marking highs and one for the lows ... Would you tell us what those ratio's were? and which Moving average they were applied too?
1:37:00 Falling Knifes
- I watched you briefly talk about it in recent show, you hit some good points but wanted more expansion on that topic.
- Whats the best methods to determine a bottom is in or some clues you may be reaching a bottom?
1:54:00 - Mid Range Entries
- When in consolidation after a breakout from bottom or from pattern, what do you look for to join the caravan upwards.
2:02:00 - Breakouts
- these freak me out because they are already at top...something like Starbucks which is already so high. Ive heard you mention like a 2 over 1 over 9, how do you limit your risk or convince yourself or even manage risk when it breaks out. Also how do you trade it if the candles seem to be squeezing or loosing momentum, how do you make that assessment.
- Again how do you know when your just chasing and when a breakout has gotten away, and if you still want to enter how far should you set stops.
- should you wait for price flips? or consolidation and right count?
2:11:00 - 1-5 year outlook on SPX, s&p BSE sensex(BSESN).
2:16:00 - What basically leads to negative interest rates and how long can they last keeping in mind that negative interest rates are technically insane to think about. Like what problems cause interest rates to go negative? And a country like India has a Fixed deposit rates of about 7% and borrowing rate of 10% is that good?
2:23:00 - Countries that have very low interest rates and we have some family there and some other members live in a country with higher interest rates. Doesn't that cause an arbitrage to be used in interest rates? To borrow from low rates and locking those funds up in higher rates? Like I don't know whether you are the right person to ask

See the Rest of the Time Stamps in Comments
Posted By

Tone Vays


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