Cryptocurrency explained - The top 5 cryptocurrency experts to watch on youtube

8,724 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Cryptocurrency explained
These youtube superhero's work tirelessly to create incredible content. Here is my hand picked list of the top 5 youtube channels to find ethereum & bitcoin tutorials in 2017.

Ivan on tech
Ivan is a programmer and has created a youtube series dedicated to breaking down the communication barriers between nerds and the rest of the world. He has an uncanny ability to explain difficult concepts in a language that everyone can understand. His videos focus almost solely on the technical aspects of cryptocurrencies and I never see him get involved in political or emotional arguments. If you want to learn about the inter workings of the cryptocurrency world then you should definitely be subscribed to this channel

Louis Thomas
Louis Thomas is a young youtuber who makes videos about cryptocurrencies, politics & drug reform. It is easy to see he does a lot of research before each video, he presents that facts in a clear and unbiased manner and lets you make your own decisions. His enthusiasm is contagious and his youthful optimism for the future is refreshing. His videos range from technical to political and he isn't afraid to tell you exactly what he's thinking a why. A channel well worth subscribing too.

Ameer Rosic
Ameer Rosic is the jack of all trades when it comes to crpyto currencies. He understands the technical, political & economic landscape of the crypto currency industry and shares his thoughts and opinions to a large and loyal fan base. His channel is great for all types of videos and he isn't afraid to make videos about difficult issues like "is there too much greed in cryptocurrencies."

Box Mining
I have mad respect for this guy. He's a miner turned youtuber and has only been publishing videos for 4 months. He's one of the hardest working guys in the industry and produces on average 2-3 videos per day. His videos focus around mining and his brutal straight forward honesty is refreshing.

Crypto Tips
Finishing up my top 5 youtube channels in CrytoTips. One of the very few female youtubers in the crypto currency space this channel offers tons of great content and tutorials. My only complaint with this channel is the quality of the audio. If someone would please buy this girl a $30 lapel mic her videos would be so much easier to watch.
Posted By

David Hay


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