⚠️ Don’t Be FOOLED! Institutions Are Coming… And They Want YOUR Crypto!

6,572 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Don’t be fooled! Institutions are coming… and they want YOUR crypto! Fidelity reveals crypto plans, Coinbase could compete with NYSE, MaplceChange “hacked” for $6 million, demand for blockchain developers increases, bullish crypto news, and more!

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0:58 Markets
2:58 Demand for Blockchain Developers: https://www.dcforecasts.com/the-demand-for-blockchain-developers-is-still-at-an-all-time-high/
3:29 Joseph Lubin: https://ethereumworldnews.com/ethereum-co-founder-on-cnbc-crypto-isnt-going-to-collapse-fundamentals-booming/
5:00 Fidelity reveals crypto plans: https://dailyhodl.com/2018/10/29/fidelity-reveals-crypto-strategy-plus-bitcoin-ethereum-ripple-and-xrp-eos-stellar-iota-cardano-crypto-news-alert/
6:08 Coinbase can compete with NYSE: https://dailyhodl.com/2018/10/27/coinbase-can-compete-with-the-new-york-stock-exchange-says-former-jpmorgan-trader/
7:36 Institutions are coming: https://dailyhodl.com/2018/10/27/coinbase-can-compete-with-the-new-york-stock-exchange-says-former-jpmorgan-trader/
8:11 Tim Draper the BULL: https://coindoo.com/tim-draper-remains-confident-bitcoin-will-hit-250000-by-2022/
9:35 APEX (CPX) listed as top 100: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/apex-technologies-selected-as-a-red-herring-top-100-global-company-1027664394
10:44 ICON (ICX) x Seoul Metropolitan Government: https://medium.com/@blockhack/icon-x-seoul-metropolitan-government-demonstration-of-icon-id-card-voting-system-s-coin-32f71fe5caf8
12:23 ZCash (ZEC) Sapling Protocol: http://forklog.net/the-new-zcash-sapling-protocol-is-now-live-after-successful-network-upgrade/
13:04 Cardano (ADA) x Trezor: https://cryptosam.fr/cardano-ada-has-big-security-boost-as-trezor-ready-to-support-ada/
13:12 Monach Wallet for Android: https://amazingcrypto.com/monarch-blockchain-corporation-releases-the-android-monarch-wallet/
13:51 PumaPay (PMA) x MenaPay: https://pumapay.io/menapay-pumapay-accelerate-payments-worldwide/
14:09 Deepcloud AI (DEEP) brand refers: https://medium.com/@DeepCloud_AI/announcing-our-new-logo-and-website-59925f0ad4db
15:00 MapleChange hacked for $6 Million: https://www.ccn.com/newsflash-canadian-bitcoin-exchange-hacked-says-all-funds-are-gone/
16:55 Crypto News: https://cryptoslate.com/mastercard-files-patent-to-centralize-cryptocurrency-transactions-calls-out-bitcoins-wait-times/

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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