Elastos Runtime | C++ Virtual Machines | Elastos 10x This Year | $ELA Smart Economy

4,226 Views · Posted 6 years ago
--Elastos--The Internet Operating System--
A couple weeks back we broke down the P2P Network Carrier and how data is transferred from person to person. Today we are breaking down the Elastos Runtime, and why this is a critical element to thier vision of creating a new way value will be transferred, including digital assets.
--Elastos Runtime--
The Elastos Runtime Environment, will enable Elastos on other operating systems like Android, IOS, windows, Linux, as well as others. This means that the dapps of Elastos will not be limited to the Elastos OS, but can be powered from any other operating system, leading to fast adoption by developers.

The $ELA runtime can be considered a developers framework and is based on their own in house Component Assembly Runtime, which the shortened to CAR.

--Component Assembly Runtime (CAR)--
The build is heavily component focused, and allows communication from differing programming languages. This means elastos can support software as a service in developers native codes such as C, and C++. The runtime utilizes the binary file format .cls to cross language and network barriers, which allows developers to make program calls in other languages such as java and javascript, no more Java Native Interfaces (JNI)!

In essecence they are building the C++ versions of Java VMS. The Java virtual machine has glaring problems, which lead to many of the hacks, DDOS attacks, and security issues. The java VM cannot run 100 percent of applications securely because of the java native interfaces (JNI).

-Elastos dAPPS-
If we take a look at other dAPP platforms such as Ethereum $ETH and $NEO, you notice that there is no resource intensive dAPPS because everything is written onto the mainchain. With Elastos dapps, they will have the full resource capacity of the device it is running on, making resource intensive games and applications possible in secure trusted environment.

All $ELA dAPPS will be able to scale by being able to run on any OS and any device, and the entire resource capacity can be used by the dAPP. The barrier for dAPP entry will be lowered because any android user or ios user can download, and then use the dAPP.

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