$ETH Gas Crisis! S. Korea: Good News | Crypto ETF? $WTC FOOD | Bitconnect vs YouTube $FT $BCC

5,595 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Ethereum gas prices skyrocket! Is FCoin to blame? Trading volume is up, good news from South Korea, Crypto ETF, Monaco news, Dent price soars due to Binance listing, YouTube x Bitconnect, coin news, Alchemint airdrop, and finally an awesome NANO story!

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????Get The Brave Browser Here ???? https://brave.com/cry542

0:59 Ethereum (ETH) Gas Crisis!: https://www.coindesk.com/ethereums-growing-gas-crisis-and-whats-being-done-to-stop-it/
1:44 What is FCoin (FT)? https://stocksgazette.com/2018/07/03/what-is-fcoin-token-ft-coin-and-fcoin-exchange/
1:59 Trading Volumes Up!
2:43 Good news from South Korea https://www.ccn.com/breaking-south-korea-is-officially-recognizing-crypto-exchanges-as-regulated-banks/
4:00 First Crypto ETF? https://twitter.com/crypto/status/1014859707369082881
5:18 YouTube Defendant In Lawsuit Against Bitconnect (BCC)
7:34 Dent Binance (BNB) listing
7:52 Monaco (MCO) acquires https://crypto.com/
9:06 Waltonchain WTC-Garmet & WTC-Food!!! https://twitter.com/Waltonchain/status/1014826298181447680 & https://youtu.be/d7M_QjcsO1s
10:07 NEO News
10:34 ???? Alchemint (SDT) Airdrop
11:46 Status x OmiseGO
12:34 StellarX https://www.stellarx.com/ (XLM)
12:50 Elastos ELA News
13:10 Deepbrain Chain (DBC) Germany Meetup: https://twitter.com/DeepBrainChain/status/1014353197740195840
13:40 A question for EOS… https://vimeo.com/278019753
14:12 ❤️???? NANO Community Helps Venezuelan: https://www.newsbtc.com/2018/07/06/nano-community-rushes-to-the-aid-of-venezuelan-user-amidst-40000-inflation/
17:13 VITE Interview Monday 8th: https://www.vite.org

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

Happy (Crypto) 4th of July! | Funds Are SAFU!

Watch this video again because it's awesome:

#cryptozombie #cryptocurrency #blockchain #crypto #bitcoin #btc #eth #ethereum #neo #fcoin #ft #dent #binance #bnb #monaco #mco #waltonchain #wtc #wtc-food #alchemint #sdt #stellarlumens #xlm #stellarx #status #snt #omisego #omg #elastos #ela #nano #deepbrainchain #dbc #eos #vite $BTC $ETH $NEO $FT $DENT $BNB $MCO $WTC $SDT $XLM $SNT $OMG $ELA $NANO $DBC $EOS $VITE
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Crypto Zombie


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