Ethereum ETH Recovery Plan EIP 867 | Good or Bad for Cryptocurrency and altcoins?

7,131 Views · Posted 7 years ago
There has been a controversial enhancement proposed for Ethereum that would allow people to recover lost ETH. While many coinholders probably assumed that this proposal would be dead in the water, when the project was pulled to be worked on by developers a virtual riot broke loose.

One of Ethereum's developers on the project resigned on Thursday citing that the implementation of EIP 867 and its related code would be a violation of Japanese Penal Code. He had initially stated also that he felt it was contradictory to the acceptance guidelines laid out in EIP 1. He has since retracted his opinion on the latter.

What do you guys think about opening up Pandora's Box and potentially allowing people who sent ETH to the wrong addresses to get that back?

This could go all the way back in time and mean that former investors could be seeing as much as $100 Million or more being re-entered into circulation through this proposed recovery process.
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