Farmatrust $FFT | Supply Chain and Blockchain????| Better Than Modum? |

2,231 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Supply chains and blockchain, they fit together like two peas in a pod. Walton $WTC, Vechain $VEN, Modum $MOD, and more recently Morphues Network have all made a statement on how they aim to change the supply chain through blockchain technology.

Today I would like to bring you a new supply chain blockchain project who is focusing on the pharmaceutical supply chain, that project is FarmaTrust $FFT.

The mission of the FarmaTrust project is to be the choice system for the pharmaceutical supply chain by providing effective global data verification and a coordination layer, from the point of manufacture to the end consumer. This is a global platform secured by the blockchain, that is system neutral and future proof and can comply with differing international regulatory systems.

A major component of the FarmaTrust solution is the blockchain based ZOI supply chain information exchange. This is a secure, interoperable, and immutable source of data that will allow for tracking of serialized products across a diverse network of the pharmaceutical supply chain.

There are 3 tokens in the model of the FarmaTrust platform $FFT tokens, $ZOI tokens, and Compliance tracking tokens. FFT tokens are the publicly trade able digital asset that allows users to access and participate in the Zoi ecosystem. Zoi tokens allow users to access information of products generated on the platform. They are earned when users stake FFT tokens. The third token is the Compliance tracking token, and these are used to meet track and trace regulatory requirements.

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