Inventory management for small business. A simple how to tutorial

292,837 Views · Posted 10 years ago
Inventory management for small business is often an after thought. Find out why this critical step can save you some serious money and how you can implement the latest technologies for almost without a massive budget. This step by step guide shows you how we manage 1000's of SKU's everyday without any errors.

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Let’s get this out of the way: the subject I’m going to cover today is a polarizing one. Like with all topics, some people will be on the bandwagon, on the fence, or dragging their feet kicking and screaming; this particular subject attracts discussions of the kicking and screaming variety. I’m talking about QR codes. There are many who think that the QR code is dead, and they wouldn’t be wrong. We could write an entire blog post about why QR codes suck, but they’re still the fastest way to transmit large amounts of information. That’s what makes it such a great platform on which to base your asset management and inventory tracking.

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David Hay


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