Is Litecoin Cash A Scam Or Legit Altcoin? You Decide!

9,215 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Litecoin Cash has been on the market for about 8 trading days so far, but it has not been a good start for that coin. As expected, many of the Litecoin HODLers who had owned their LTC prior to block height 1371111 have decided to unload their LCC as quick as they could.

It's like getting paid dividends on your stock shares in a sense, but to many investors Litecoin Cash may not appear to have the long-term credibility that they are looking for.

With a claim rate of 10:1, LTC holders could claim 10 LCC per LTC that they held at the time of block height 137111. But there are still some people out there who are having difficulty claiming or redeeming their desired Litecoin Cash.

Comment below what you think about this coin, and whether you think it is something worth buying now on its dip, or whether it's just going to be a failed project from the start.
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