Lisk Meetup Announcement - Why is Lisk Price Dropping?!?

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Lisk Berlin Meetup Announcement live stream analysis and price prediction. What is going on with Lisk rebranding, Lisk SDK release, Lisk Nano wallets and what is all the hype? What is causing the Lisk price drop including Lisk price analysis and forecast. When is the rebranding going to happen? When are the software development kits going to be released? Should I sell Lisk now? All this and more inside...

To appease money-hungry lawyers and irresponsible people, it should be known that I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR and THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I am merely educating and entertaining. What you do with your own money is your own responsibility. Seek the counsel of an intelligent financial advisor (good luck finding one) before investing yours or anyone else’s money.

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