???? Markets Up! Binance Donates $1 Million To Victims | $REP Goes Live | Exchange Wars!!! $MFT $DGB

6,726 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Binance opens donation for victims of Japan Flood, HBUS doesn't allow certain US states, Auger is live, IOTA wallets updates, Charles Hoskinson surprise AMA, Komodo addresses scaling, Ethereum's long road to sharding, crypto news, and more!

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0:21 Market Roundup: Tezos (XYZ) DigiByte (DGB) Mainframe (MFT)
1:23 Binance (BNB) Donates to victims of Japan floods: https://support.binance.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007069891
2:38 HBUS doesn’t allow certain states… WTF!!!
4:31 Auger (REP) is FINALLY LIVE!!!
4:55 IOTA Trinity wallet updates: https://blog.iota.org/trinity-wallet-summer-update-6e9514293268
5:40 Charles Hoskinson Surprise AMA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_WrH6EPAQs
6:17 Komodo (KMD) scaling: https://komodoplatform.com/komodo-platform-new-scalability-solution/
7:58 Ethereum (ETH) Sharding not until 2020…. https://unhashed.com/cryptocurrency-news/ethereum-sharding-update-expected-2020/
8:43 Timing Crypto using RSI: https://www.coindesk.com/timing-the-crypto-market-with-rsi-a-beginners-guide/
9:22 Crypto News
11:19 CNBC Blockchain Connect Roundup: https://youtu.be/bJrJhkAGE7A
13:07 Fifty Shades of Blockchain: https://twitter.com/blockshade
14:09 Vite Live AMA Monday 9pm EST: https://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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