OriginTrail TRAC - WTC VEN WABI MOD Competitor? | IDEX Exchange | Aurora DAO AURA | Reviews | IDXM

11,644 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Is OriginTrail (TRAC) the latest Walton, VeChain, Modum, WaBi competitor? They are the first purpose-built protocol for supply chain based blockchain. TRAC intends to use IoT technology for their supply logistics.

In case you don’t feel like watching this EXTREMELY long video:

1. NEO DevCon Updates, Expanding Social Media Channels
2. Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie
3. BitConnect (BCC) Class Action Lawsuit
4. OriginTrail (TRAC) Overview
5. IDEX Overview
6. Aurora DAO (AURA) Overview
7. Snowglobe

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advise. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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