SQL & Data Analytics for Beginners | Part 4: SQL Syntax (#2)

3,387 Views · Posted 7 years ago
I hope you all enjoyed the video. If you'd like to learn more or got stuck, feel free to let me know in the comments below.

CREATE TABLE refinery_clients (
refiner_name TEXT NOT NULL,
units_sold INT NOT NULL,
status_sent TEXT NULL,
sale_id INT NOT NULL

INSERT INTO refinery_clients VALUES
('Big Refine Co.', 9000,'true', '1001'),
('Petrol Maker LLC.', 4500,'false', '1002'),
('Gasoline Factory Inc.', 20000,'true', '1003'),
('Jackson & Family', 3200,'true', 1004),
('Clear Prep LLC.', 13400,'', 1005),
('Titanium Refineries Inc.', 50000,'', 1006)

CREATE TABLE dis_channels (
dis_name TEXT NOT NULL,
status_received TEXT NULL,
sale_id INT NOT NULL,
location TEXT NULL

('Gas n Go','false', 1002,'County B'),
('Gasoline LLC.','true', 1001,'County A'),
('Quick Gas','true', 1003,'County A'),
('Pit Stop','true', 1004,'County A'),
('Real Energy','', 1005,'County B'),
('Car Station Co.','', 1006,'County A')
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