The HOLY Trinity | NEO Ontology Elastos | 10x Next Bull Run | Don't Believe Me Just Watch

8,713 Views · Posted 6 years ago
--The HOLY Trinity--
The Smart Economy boys and girls, its getting interesting…..I call it the holy trifecta, the trinity, and no not that nep5 token, but NEO $NEO, Ontology $ONT, and Elastos $ELA. This is it folks, this is where I put 85 percent of any new Ethereum or btc I have, in just those three projects.

--NEO Smart Economy--
The NEO Virtual Machine (VM) and smart contracts are better than any other VM or contracts out their. They allow certainty, are high performance and are more deterministic than Ethereum smart contracts. Ethereum $ETH portrays orders as stack, allowing contracts to call the code of other contracts when running a dynamic call, however this has the potential to make the call route undeterministic, resulting in serious performance loss.

Neo on the other hand has data sources that are deterministic through the blockchain ledger and each contract has their own storage area that can only be accessed by the contract itself. dBFT ensures the consistency of these storage area in situation where access to non-blockchain data is needed. With contract calls, NEO smart contracts can call each other, but it must be a static relationship to allow the call to be fully determined. High performance is achieved because neo smart contracts can only modify the state record the contract belong to, and in the same transaction block contract can only run once.

. Ontology has some of the biggest news, their baby has been born, and the mainnet is live as of June 30th. Now to get get your Ontology tokens on the mainnet, you need to map your tokens from the NEO blockchain to the Ontology mainnet, there are 4 different ways to do this, ONTO one stop mapping, other wallet mapping such as 03, exchange automatic mapping, and ledger mapping.

Elastos $ELA is going to have a major month of July, multiple exchange listing will be coming this month, with the first one, Coinegg cryptocurrency exchange happening today on July 2nd. I have a feeling some Korean exchange are in the works, as well as one I have predicted for a long time…..Poloniex!

Exchanges are great, but I love the tech and something big is coming for Elastos in regards to identity, the decentralized identification side chain (DID) has went live yesterday. The DID is the main thing that will make the smart web work, so this is a major step towards their full realization. The nodes are being deployed as I speak, and once done, it will support one:
1) Asset transfers from the main chain to the ID sidechain.
2) Create IDs and store id related info on the sidechain,
3) Tranfer assets from the ID sidechain back to the Elastos main chain,
4) ID chain supports merged mining with the Elastos main chain.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. I am just a dude who knows crypto like the back of his hand. Be responsible for your own trades!

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Chico Crypto

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