Top 5 | Crypto Mainnet Releases | $ONT $EOS $HPB $PRL $VEN | Crypto News Update

9,996 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Cryptocurrency mainnet season is upon us, and a batch of long awaited projects are going to either put up or shut up. New consensus models will be tested, and the future of blockchain could rest in some of these projects hands. So, in today's episode, I would like to take a look at this list of mainnets that are scheduled for launch through May and June and discuss my top 5. It’s a list of projects, but of course some will be better investments than others.

My Top 5 Are
1. Ontology $ONT-June 30th
2. EOS $EOS-June 2nd
3. Pied Piper Coin-Whenever Richard Hendricks gets his shit together
3. High Performance Blockchain $HPB -June 30th
4. VeChain $VEN $VET -June 30th
5. Oyster Pearl $PRL $SHL-May 29th

Tune in to find out my reason why!

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Beer Money Donations
Won't Take Your NEO or NEOGas HODL Those Puppies

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. Please don't take any of this information as financial advice. I am just a dude who knows crypto like the back of his hand. Be responsible for your own investments & trades!!!
Posted By

Chico Crypto

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