What Is Happening To Crypto? Here’s The Truth… (And Some Things To Consider)

24,889 Views · Posted 6 years ago
I thought today would be a great day for somewhat of a “fire side” chat where we discuss what is happening with the markets and cryptocurrency as a whole. The reality is that nothing has ACTUALLY changed in regards to technology and advancements. Its merely the perception of them that have. Times like these allow us to reflect. We questions why we made certain trades or bought certain cryptos. The truth is it’s much easier to sleep at night when you are invested in something that you truly believe in rather than a “quick flip” or sh*tcoin. I’m very interested in what you think about this topic and I have decided to include some real working projects as examples.

Join The “Crypto Zombies” Telegram ►► https://t.me/joinchat/E67b8w-hQrMsZebuCC6peg

Bitcoin Obituaries: https://99bitcoins.com/bitcoinobituaries/
QLC Chain AMA: https://www.reddit.com/r/Qlink/comments/8lgo6j/susans_ama_on_qlc_chain_rebranding/
Deepbrain Chain AI Miners: https://www.deepbrainchain.org/pc/en/miner.html
Congrats To Peter Shen (Asura World): https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/313772

Buy Cryptos on Qryptos ►► http://Qryptos.kdub.co
Buy Cryptos on Bibox ►► http://Bibox.kdub.co
Buy Cryptos on Binance ►► http://Binance.kdub.co
My #1 Hardware Wallet ►► http://Ledger.kdub.co
Buy Cryptos on KuCoin ►► http://KuCoin.kdub.co

Follow me on Twitter ►► http://twitter.com/TheCryptoZombie

Join The Telegram ►► https://t.me/joinchat/E67b8w-hQrMsZebuCC6peg

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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