I made a mistake in this video Lisk uses JavaScript not .NET.
In today's episode of Crypto Riot I review Lisk and talk about it's upcoming Re-branding on February 20th.
Name of coin: Lisk
Trading symbol: LSK
Launch Date:August 2016 wtih a sucessful ICO
Main People Involved with Experience
Market Cap: 2.3 Billion Dollars
Current Price: $20.24
Available exchanges: Bittrex, Binance, Poloniex
Social Media Links (Facebook, youtube, twitter, reddit, telegram)
Git Hub
https://github.com/LiskHQ 1.6k Developers = 1.8 million each
Rebranding was due end of 2017, devs pushed it back to Feb 20th and coin dropped 20%
Antshares saw a big boost when it was rebranded to NEO
$16 - $47 - 300% increase
Proof of work/Proof of Stake (Mining protocol)
Delegated proof of stake system with 101 most voted Delegates that verify transactions become the main nodes
1000 delegates on the waiting list. Encourages people to build apps encourage votes.
Similar system to Steemit and Bitshares
Three Best Youtube Explainer Videos
Main Pros
Allows for javascript instead of solidity. Much easier for web developers and existing people to use, lowers barrier of entry
Side chains allow quick adoptions of dapps, with customizeable features. Lisk was the first to use side chains as a way to allow for companies or individuals do create their own blockchain. These side chains can use different mining algorithms and have custom settings depending on what's needed.
10 second block time is much faster than bitcoin/litcoin
When the price goes up it makes it expensive to send. $3.20 per transaction
Javascript isn’t a fast programming language. C++ is much faster. But the bottle neck to running dapps right now isn’t the programming language speed.
Tough competition from Cardano, Ethereum & EOS
Marketing and logo is cheesy.