Will Fidelity Trigger The Bull Market? 🚀 $EOS In Space?!? Stablecoin Madness!!!

7,287 Views · Posted 6 years ago
Will Fidelity help trigger the bull market? Exchanges adding stabelcoins, Tether “transparency” shareholder equity negative, Adam White leaves Coinbase for Bakkt, Docusign uses Ethereum blockchain, crypto news, and more!
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0:01 https://twitter.com/Cryptanzee/status/1051746378295185409
0:28 Markets: Tezos (XTZ) ICON (ICX)
1:14 ICON x S. Korean Govt: https://ethereumworldnews.com/icon-icx-increases-ties-with-south-korean-government/
1:58 Stablecoins!!! TrueUSD (TUSD), Paxos (PAX), Gemini (GUSD), Circle (USDC)
3L04 Tether (USDT) Transparency: http://archive.is/VM9qD#selection-545.0-372.5
3:36 Fidelity Digital Assets Servives: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/15/fidelity-launches-trade-execution-and-custody-for-cryptocurrencies.html
4:20 Fidelity: https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2018/10/15/fidelity-launches-institutional-platform-for-bitcoin-and-ethereum/#45c8d8893c46
5:40 There’s only 21,000,000 BTC: https://twitter.com/ErikVoorhees/status/1052077504461250563
6:29 Bakkt equires Adam White: https://coingape.com/bakkt-lead-big-leap-in-crypto-evolution/
7:36 Cryptocurrency revolution: https://bitcoinist.com/bakkt-ceo-cryptocurrency-early-2000s/
8:20 Mike Novogratz predictions: https://cointelegraph.com/news/mike-novogratz-institutions-will-get-into-bitcoin-in-q1-q2-2019-bringing-new-highs
9:10 🚀 SPACEBIT (EOS): https://medium.com/@spacebit/spacebit-brings-dlt-to-the-final-frontier-a0b7aa7f9ca1
11:03 Enjincoin (ENJ) AMA: https://twitter.com/ethfinex/status/1052155930740187136
11:22 weiDEX (WDX) lists Bitnation (XPAT): https://twitter.com/weiDexExchange/status/1051807719978602496
11:52 Crypto Beadles x Elastos (ELA): https://youtu.be/XiDhcSEhR1o
12:25 Puma Pay (PMA) x Airsoft x LiveJasmin: https://pumapay.io/livejasmin-partners-with-pumapay/
12:42 PChain (PAI) awarded 4 patents: https://twitter.com/pchain_org/status/1051834911068381184
13:37 Vechain (VET) tracking demo: https://twitter.com/CryptoShillNye/status/1052146090177417217
14:19 nOS lowers hard cap: https://medium.com/nos-io/nos-significantly-lowers-hard-cap-token-supply-af0805034443?1
15:22 DocuSign x Ethereum (ETH): https://www.ccn.com/docusign-will-add-ethereum-blockchain-integration-to-verify-signatures/

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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