Monero price predictions - A beginners guide to the worlds biggest privacy coin

18,442 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Why is this grassroots organization different from it corporate cousin?

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What is Monero?
In todays episode of crypto talk we look at Monero and explorer some of the unique aspects of the digital currency. Before I did my research I was skeptical about Monero, I had previously purchased ZCash / PIVX / Dodgecoin and didn't see much of a difference between the two. I like the idea of being able to use Monero like cash mainly to avoid marketing and retargeting ads but can also imagine it being useful for lots of people in countries like Venezuela where inflation is 700% and the government forbids the free exchange of currency. Of course plenty of people will also being using this cryptocurrency on websites like the silk road which might make the little libetarian in me but I have my concerns about this privacy coin. Maybe if the price drops I'll use monero exchange to swap some bitcoins over to my monero wallet.
Posted By

David Hay


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