San Diego 2015 - Exploring Historic Downtown San Diego

909 Views · Posted 10 years ago
San Diego 2015 - My personal collection of favorite places in Downtown SD. While people on the east coast enjoy snow and hot chocolate the residents of San Diego enjoy mild 70 degree nights and endless sunshine. Come visit sometime!

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Filming locations.
1st Shot - Corner of Market and Island Street. Time 8:33 Date 10/12/2015
2nd Shot - In front of the Marriott Hotel in the Marina District. Security wasn't very friendly and I only had a chance to get a single shot :(. Time :1:30pm Date 6/19/2015
3rd Shot: Seaport Village. This is my favorite place to go for a morning run. If you're feeling like an extra challenge try running up the stairs at the convention center.
4th Shot: Outside San Diego City Hall. This is also where they hold the legendary CRSSD Festival
5th Shot: Train station in the Gaslamp outside the convention center.
6th Shot: 25th floor of the Horizons building looking out to Coronado Island.
7th Shot: The historic gaslamp sign
8th Shot: The lobby at my work. Shout out to everyone at 858 Graphics.

All these videos where taken with my iphone camera on a 36" automatic slider rail with a little lego motor and some gearing to control the timing. If you want to see how I took all these really nice moving time lapses check out

Locations include downtown San Diego Marina district, Marriott hotel & Seaport village
Posted By

David Hay


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