ZenCash $ZEN | Interview | Privacy Focused On Money, Messages & Media | Crypto Coin | Rolf Versluis

1,943 Views · Posted 6 years ago
ZenCash was derived from ZClassic (ZCL), which was forked from ZCash (ZEC), which was ultimately a clone of Bitcoin (BTC). ZenCash was created essentially to birth a new crypto that could meet their goals and ideologies under their control. Ultimately, ZenCash is Bitcoin with added security and anonymity components, a different goal, and a development team behind it. These features include the ability to send and receive messages, as well as media. It is a mineable currency and currently only requires 42 ZEN to run your own node.

ZenCash website: https://zencash.com/

Rolf Versluis (Chief Engineer) - Rolf is an experienced business owner in the IT industry and owns a mid-size mining operation. With prior experience at Cisco systems, the semiconductor industry, and as a nuclear trained officer in the US Submarine force, Rolf brings leadership, management, and technical operational expertise to the Zen organization

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. This is just my opinion. Always do your own research before investing. I am not responsible for your trades…

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Crypto Zombie


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